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Since the birth files are flatfiles, you will need input code files. Using some type of statistical software, such as SAS, SPSS, and STATA, is your best choice to open and run the files. Please be advised that the births files are massive flatfiles that cannot be opened using, for example, a text editor or spreadsheet application. If you have difficulty unzipping these files, you may need to use different compression software such as the newest versions of WinZip or WinRAR. Standard Certificate of Live Birth and a consequent need for a much longer record length. This increase is a result of the phased implementation of the newly revised U.S. * Between 20 the uncompressed file size increased greatly. A new 2014 Fetal Death Public Use Record Layout including the cause of fetal death items can now be found at the end of the User Guide. No change has been made to other data items. The 2014 public use fetal death data file has been updated to include cause of fetal death. Notice of Error in the 20 Fetal Death Data Files and Reports For the “Cigarettes in 3rd Trimester” field, 1,265 records were changed – 992 records to categories ranging between 1 and 98 daily cigarettes (17 records had previously incorrectly been coded as 0 and 975 records had been incorrectly coded as Unknown or Not Stated) and 273 records to 0 (all had previously incorrectly been coded as Unknown or Not Stated). For the “Cigarette Recode” field, 22 records were changed to Yes (17 records had previously been incorrectly coded as No, and 5 records had been incorrectly coded as Unknown or Not Stated). Changes were made to two data fields: “Cigarette Recode” and “Cigarettes in 3rd Trimester”. These files replace those posted in July 2020.

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NOTE: Corrected 2018 fetal death files were posted on January 28, 2021.

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